Tomato Salad

Lindsay realized that we only have one variety of red tomatoes in the garden. Eek! Oh well, green, yellow and orange will have to do!

Enough red to make to even it out.

Put Away That Rusty Knife, Here Comes The Easy Open

We've improved our packaging! I know, I know, we're only a few months into this jerky business but we figured "why should our friends and customers be forced to use dirty scissors and rusty pocket knives to open their package of fine, quality beef jerky? It makes no sense!"

And so, we're very happy to introduce our new, easy-open packaging. Just find the notch and tear into the goodness.

Come check it out this Saturday at the Culpeper Farmer's Market. This week week we'll have Teriyaki, Sweet-N-Spicy, Berben and Chipotle. PS - This is the last week to get in on our introductory price; after this Saturday our price will go up to $4 (which is still $1-$2 lower than the store-bought stuff. Just sayin').

Hope to see you Saturday (we'll have samples!).

Our New Friends at Ternion Springs Farm

We recently made friends with the folks over at Ternion Springs Farm (right here in Madison, VA). They have a booth across from ours at the Culpeper Farmers Market. Located in Madison, this honey is about as local as we can get without having hives in our own backyard!

Anyway, we love their honey so much that we've decided to use it exclusively in all of our Jerky recipes. Local bees, local honey, local business, local friends. Sweet success!

PS - be sure to stop by their booth to check out their honey and, while you're there, ask about their blueberries (some of the sweetest you'll ever taste!).

Harvest Farms on facebook. Come grow with us!