Culpeper Farmer's Market

A very big "Thank You" to everyone who came out on Saturday to see us debut at the Culpeper Farmer's Market! We were encouraged by the turnout in spite of the looming rain clouds and chilly weather. We sold out of eggs and vegetables (might need to bump up production!). We also nearly sold of our Jerky. Be sure to swing by the booth next week for more free samples.

Check out some photos from yesterday and browse through some of our photos from the farm.

Thanks again for all your support!

Come Grow With Us on Facebook.

Buy Fresh Buy Local...... well... sort of

In addition to our recent venture onto The Maker's Diet (as chronicled below) we're also doing our best to "Buy Fresh. Buy Local". For example, our meat has either been butchered from our farm (beef) or shot in our woods (deer). If pork was allowed we would certainly be interested in obtaining some from Polyface Farms which is just down the road (and most recently featured in Food Inc.

But wait! Good news is on the horizon... a few overlooked facts that could bring redemption to this wayward, sugar-addicted soul! This is no ordinary, run-of-the-mill candy. This candy comes with a %100 Freshness Guarantee and is produced just a few miles north in Landover, Maryland.

At first glance it would seem that this sugary-pink confection represents an abomination of healthy eating but, upon further inspection, anyone can plainly see that this "Quality Candy" does in fact meet "Buy Fresh Buy Local" standards (which neither the apple or the almonds can tout).

It's no Scat Snack (or Flax Snax as Lindsay has suggested as a more appealing name for the chocolaty-flaxy delights) but it's apparent that this little candy has high moral standards. And that's a compromise we can live with!